anxiety counselor

Take a deep breath. Don’t you already feel better?

Breathing is such an ordinary and mundane thing that its true significance can be easily overlooked. It is the most direct way to bring the mind together with the body. Breathing exercises are a quick and easy solution for anxiety relief.

You can get there from here.


When you focus on your breath, your mind can’t be occupied with the thousands of thoughts you often get lost in. Below is a collection of 6 proven breathing exercises you can try right now to alleviate your anxiety symptoms and start feeling better.


Equal Breathing

1- Sit comfortably, or lie down.

2- Close your eyes and focus on your normal breathing for a few seconds.

3- Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.

4- Exhale through your nose for 4 seconds.

5- You may vary the second count as long as you keep your inhale and exhale the same.

anxiety counselor

Abdominal Breathing

1- You can stand, sit or lie down.

2- Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

3- Keep your shoulders relaxed.

4- Your abdomen should expand and your chest rise slightly.

5- Exhale slowly through your mouth.

6- As you blow the air out, purse your lips a little bit, but keep your jaw relaxed.

7- Repeat for several minutes.


4-7-8 Breathing

1- Sit comfortably. Place the tip of your tongue on the flesh right behind you top front teeth.

2- Empty your lungs of air.

3- Breath in through your nose for 4 seconds.

4- Hold that breath for 7 seconds.

5- Exhale forcefully through your mouth, while you purse your lips, for 8 seconds.

6- Repeat up to 4 times.

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Progressive Relaxation

1- You can stand, sit or lay down.

2- Tense the muscles in your toes while you breath in through your nose.

3- Hold for 5 seconds then release the muscles and exhale through your mouth.

4- Do the same with your knees, thighs, rear, chest, arms, hands, neck, jaw and eyes.

If you find any of the exercises difficult or you believe that a technique is making you more panicky, stop. You may be unable to do the exercises without some practice. Try another one, or try again tomorrow. With time you can regain your quality of life and control over your anxiety.

Need Help? We Can Help.


Need an anxiety counselor? We can help. Call (510) 497-4174 today.

This post was written by Lani Gouws on behalf of The Bridge Therapy Center. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Lani here: