You are not alone. We have all repeated some of our mistakes from one time to another. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, we inflict unnecessary stress on ourselves and others.
How do we do that, rather than just repeating them, just hoping for better next time? Here we take a look at how to take the lessons on board and then use what we learn.
You can get there from here.
1- Own it
You can’t do anything until you admit your error. Accepting responsibility makes learning possible. Make the most mature decision possible: stand up and own it. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress speeds up when they do.
2- Find the Cause
Knowing the cause will help you avoid the same error in future. Take time to retrace the series missteps that led to the mistake. See what needs to be improved and make the necessary changes.
No one expects you to be perfect, except you. Don’t equate making a mistake with being a mistake. The sooner you forgive yourself, the easier people around you will as well, and the easier it is to move on.
4- Apologize
Some mistakes are more severe than others. But, most have opportunities for repair. The person who is most affected needs to hear that you are sorry. In most cases you can think of ways to make amends.
After you have determined where you went wrong, start behaving in a different way. Try a new approach. Listen to recommendations. Make a plan that will help you avoid making a similar mistake. Be as detailed as possible, but always remain flexible.
6- Move on Fearlessly
You can’t change the mistakes of the past, but you can take the lessons learnt and apply them when necessary in future. Don’t move forward with a fear of failure. See mistakes as opportunities. It’s the mistakes that give you room for improvement and growth.
No success was ever achieved without some mistakes along the way. We do not make mistakes while we learn, we learn because we make mistakes. If you can learn from the current one, you can trust that you will be able to learn from future ones.
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This post was written by Lani Gouws on behalf of The Bridge Therapy Center. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Lani here: