marriage counselor


You can be a great talker, but you have to be an equally good listener to be a great communicator. It’s about expressing yourself in a healthy way and allowing your partner to do the same. 



Without clear communication, all sorts of problems can arise. But how do you make sure you and your partner are relating to each other in a loving and effective way? Here are a few tips to help you communicate better in your relationship.


1- Make Small Talk


Maybe you won’t learn anything new, but you will communicate a genuine interest in the small details that make up your partner’s day.


2- Never Assume


Assumptions and mind reading usually lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Never assume you know what they’re thinking. Reach out instead.


marriage counselor

3- Stop and Listen


You may be so afraid of not being heard, that you rush to keep talking. Ironically, such behavior makes it all the more likely you won’t be heard.


4- Remain Open


Problems tend to build as opposed to disappearing when we keep issues that are bothering us bottled up inside. If you’re having a problem, raise it with your partner.


5- Practice


If you want to develop your ability to communicate as a couple, you’ll need to build positive habits into the way you talk and make a real effort to stick to them.


marriage counselor

6- Try Humor 


Humor helps lighten everyday frustrations and helps put things into perspective more gently than other methods.


7- Respond


If your partner is reaching out to you, be there to meet them. Whether it’s just talking about their day or trying to discuss big issues, recognize that they’re reaching out and meet them.



If you persevere you will find that your ability to say what’s on your mind and listen when your partner tells you what’s on theirs, does get better.


Do you need a marriage counselor? Call (510) 497-4174 today.


This post was written by Lani Gouws on behalf of The Bridge Therapy Center. If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Lani here: