Many people find themselves too busy these days. It causes stress and it can lead to burnout. Time management can help you remain productive without unnecessary strain. But, it’s different for each person. You have to find what works for you. Below are a few strategies you can try.
You need to find out where your time actually goes. The easiest way is to download an app like RescueTime, Toggle or Calendar to track everything. With that information you can make appropriate adjustments.
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Plan your day before it unfolds. A plan will give you a good overview of how the day will pan out. That way you won’t get caught off guard and all you have to do is stick to the plan.
Schedule the day as if each task has its own appointment. If you know that you have a few meetings and other appointments throughout the day, schedule your tasks around those.
Brief and longer breaks that take you away from work can help you maintain your energy and focus. Don’t eat at your desk, go for a walk or practice a mindfulness meditation. Leave the tasks you were unable to complete there until the next day.
5- Say No
You may not want to disappoint others or admit that you “can’t do it all”. However, you will only disappoint yourself by not having enough time to do the tasks that are important to you.
6- Be Transparent About Your Availability
Let others know how much time you are able to commit. Also, try to uncover whether you are all aligned on work pace. Do you all have the same sense of urgency?
It’s impossible to avoid waiting for someone or something at some point. But, you don’t need to just sit there and do nothing. Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are.
8- Delegate
If something is urgent, but not important, try not to do it. Delegate to others or push back against those who are trying to make you do it. Just be tactful, because it may be important to them.
Perfectionism means nothing will ever be good enough. You will keep going back to the task over and over again. As a result, you will not be very productive. Stop it. Perfect doesn’t exist.
10- Reward Yourself
Celebrate your accomplishments. Just ,make sure you do it in a healthy way. Do or have something you really enjoy and don’t do it in excess so that it won’t cause you to fall further behind.
Need Help? We Can Help.
If nothing seems to work, consider contacting an anxiety and stress therapist who can help you figure out what is getting in your way. We can help. Call (510) 497-4174 today to schedule your free consultation.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact Lani here: